Mrs. D.M.N.M Jayarathna

MPhil in Law (Colombo), LL.M (KDU), LL.B (Hons) (Colombo), PgD in Heritage Studies (PGIAR ) (Kelaniya), CTHE (OUSL), Attorney-at-Law

Senior Lecturer (Gr.II)

Legal Studies

D.M. Nisanka Madhubhashini Jayarathna is an Attorney-at-Law and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Legal Studies of the Open University of Sri Lanka. She completed her Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) Degree with Second Class Honours Upper Division from the Faculty of Law, University of Colombo. Furthermore, she obtained her Master of Laws (LL.M) Degree from General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU) and her Master of Philosophy in Law (MPhil) Degree from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo. Currently, she is pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree at the Faculty of Law, University of Colombo. Her primary research interests are Human Rights Law, Labour Law, and Environmental Law.

Labour Law, Human Rights Law

Human Rights Law, Labour Law, Environmental Law, Legal System of Sri Lanka, Buddhist Law and Philosophy, Constitutional Law, International Humanitarian Law

Academic Coordinator of the LWU1161 Understanding Law subject offered by the Legal Studies Department to Bachelor of Science Degree, Faculty of Natural Science 2012-2014

Course Coordinator-LWU1411/LLU3703 Introduction to the Laws of Sri Lanka, Department of Legal studies, The Open University of Sri Lanka. 2020 to date

Course Coordinator-LWU4326/LLU6814 Law of Delict, Department of Legal studies, The Open University of Sri Lanka 2012-2020

Course Coordinator-LLU3601 Legal System and Legal History of Sri Lanka Department of Legal studies, The Open University of Sri Lanka from 2023

Coordinator -LL.B Degree Programme Department of Legal studies –Anuradhapura regional Centre- The Open University of Sri Lanka. (From 2011-05-19 – 2012.05.31)

Level 3 Coordinator LL.B Honours Degree Programme (New ) 2023 Department of Legal studies, The Open University of Sri Lanka.

D.M.Nisanka Madhubhashini Jayarathna “A Study on the Utality of the Legal Principlres on Archeaology Heritage Management of Sri Lanka”. Punkalasa, Volume II. Department of Archeaology. Ministry of National Heritage Sri Lanka. 2013

D.M. Nisanka Madhubhashini Jayarathna “Ancient City Planing in Sri Lanka: Ancient City Planing in Anuradhapura”. Sirimal Ranawella Felicitation volume. (Edited by Prof. S Wawwage) University of Ruhuna, Matara. 2011

K.A.A.N Thilakarathna & D.M.N.M Jayarathna “Reforming Abortion Laws in Sri Lanka: A Socio-Legal Approach with Special Reference to Rights of Women” International Journal of Law Management & Humanities [ISSN 2581-5369] Volume 6 | Issue 2 2023

D.M.Nisanka Madhubhashini Jayarathna, “The Reality of International Law: A Critical Appraisal”, Manurawa Law Journal 2021 ISSN 18000-555X Vol.V, Sri Lanka Law College

KAAN Thilakarathne & Nisanka Jayarathna “Theories Involved in Recognizing and Implementing International Law in Domestic Contexts” Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization ISSN 2224-3240 (Paper) ISSN 2224-3259 (Online) Vol.109, 2021

KAAN Thilakarathne, Shiran Mendis & Nisanka Jayarathna “Where are we now? Not where we want to be. The success and failure in the implementation of Convention on Biological Diversity in Sri Lanka” International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume V, Issue I, January 2021|ISSN 2454-6186

D.M.Nisanka Madhubhashini Jayarathna, “Protection of the Rights of Domestic Workers’ in Sri Lanka: A Way forward for a Sri Lankan Legal Framework”, The Bar Association Law Journal, 2020Vol.XXV

D.M.N.M Jayarathna & KAAN Thilakarathne, “Jurisprudence of Statutory Rape” International Journal of Law, ISSN: 2455-2194. Volume 6, Issue 6, 2020. P: 270-277

D.M.N.M Jayarathna & KAAN Thilakarathne, “The Legal Regime Governing the Information and Communication Technology in Sri Lanka” Manurawa Law e-journal 2020, Sri Lanka Law College.

Nisanka Madhubhashini Jayarathna “Does Russia’s War Against Ukraine amount to the Crime of Aggression? An International Criminal Law Perspective”, EDhat International Research Conference, IDM Nations Campus, Sri Lanka Foundation, 28th June 2023

Nisanka Jayarathna & Ruchira Rosa “Protection of Biodiversity: Contribution through the Legal Framework of Sri Lanka” International Research Symposium on biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism, Ministry of Environment and University of Colombo, Taj Samudra Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 23rd December 2022

Nisanka Jayarathna, Akalanka Thilakarathna and Shiran Mendis “Liability under actio legis aquiliae for breach of quarantine: A critical review with special reference to Sri Lanka” Medico Legal Society Conference, 2021.

D.M.N.M Jayarathna “Negotiation as an Effective Method to Resolve Conflict: An Analysis with Industrial Dispute” 3rd International Research Symposium on Social Science and Humanities (IRSSSH)-2020 Advances in Social Sciences and Humanities: Challenges and Opportunities (NCAS), 22-23, January 2021

Nisanka Jayarathna & Priyantha Alagiyawanna “Right to Health in Human Rights Law and Right to Health in Ancient Sri Lanka: An Overview” IRCSSH, University of Sri Jayawardhanapura, Virtual International Conference 2021

D.M.N.M Jayarathna, “The Impact of Climate change and Right to Food and Food Security in Sri Lanka: An Analysis” The 07th International Conference on Agriculture (AGRICO 2020) – Virtual Conference. 26th November 2020.

D.M.N.M Jayarathna, “Women’s Rights in Human Rights Law and Buddhism: An Overview” The 3rd International Conference on Gender and Sexuality 2020- Virtual Conference. 15-16 October 2020.

Nisanka Madhubhashini Jayarathna “Decent Work for Domestic workers’ in Sri Lanka: A Way forward for a Sri Lankan Legal Framework” 2nd International Symposium on Social Science and Humanities (ISSSH) 12th-13th December 2019, Waters Edge, Sri Lanka 2019.

Nisanka Madhubhashini Jayarathna “The Connection between Human Rights Law and Buddhism on Freedom of Thoughts and Conscience and Religion: An Analysis” International Buddhist Conference (IBC2019), Bhiksu University Sri Lanka:6th December 2019

Nisanka Madhubhashini Jayarathna “Legal Framework for Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Sri Lanka: A Way Forward”. National Research Symposium on Historical Studies. Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. Mihintale. 30.01.2018. (Extended Abstract)

Nisanka Madhubhashini Jayarathna “Domestic workers’ Rights: A Critical Analysis of Labour Legislation in Sri Lanka” 4th Jaffna University International Research Conference-JUICe2018. University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. 27&28 September 2018.

Nisanka Madhubhashini Jayarathna “Gender Discrimination and Women’s Rights: A Comparative Analysis with Ancient Brahman Thoughts, Buddhist Philosophy and Human rights Law” 4th World Conference on Women’s Studies 2018. Taj Samudra Hotel, Colombo. Sri Lanka. 3-5.05.2018

Nisanka Madhubhashini Jayarathna “The Need of Judicial Review on Military Justice System in Sri Lanka: A Comparative Study with United Kingdom and United States.” 4th Annual Research Symposium on Social Sciences and Humanities, National Centre for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social sciences Sri Lanka, ARSSSH 2017. Hilton Colombo Residencies. Colombo 02. 20.12.2017. (Full Paper)

Nisanka Madhubhashini Jayarathna“The Relationship between Right to Life in Modern Human rights Context and Right to Life in Buddhism” 3rd National Buddhist Conference 2017. Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka. Anuradhapura. 01.11.2017.

Udeni Herath and Nisanka Jayarathna “Challengers, Protection, and Social Integration of Elders in Sri Lanka” 3rd National Buddhist Conference 2017. Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka. Anuradhapura. 01.11.2017. (Extended Abstract)

Nisanka Jayarathna and Udeni Herath “Effectiveness of the Environment Impact Assessment on Sustainable Development in Sri Lanka: A Legal Perspective” 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference of Management. Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihuloya.19-21.10.2017

Nisanka Jayarathna & Udeni Herath ” The Ethnic problem and its effects that had and have been resulted after with the introduction of Constitutional reforms by the British colonial system” Sri Lanka’s Post colonial Legacy 1815-2015. International conference on Post Colonial societies in transition. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Ruhuna Sri Lanka. 03.03.2015

Udeni Herath & Nisanka Jayarathna ” Socio Legal Study on the regressions of Public Bus Transport Service and the passengers Rights” New Dynamics, Directions, and Divergences in the Humanities. International Conference, Faculty of Humanities. University of Kelaniya.22.05.2015

Nisanka Jayarathna & Udeni Herath ” A Socio Legal study on harassment faced by women in public buses” iPURSE, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya Sri Lanka.05,06.11.2015

Udeni Herath & Nisanka Jayarathna “A Sociological study on puberty rights effects on self-control in Sri Lankan Society” International Post Graduate Research Conference. Emerging concepts in Multidiciplinary Research. Faculty of Graduate Studies. University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka.10,11.12.2015

Nisanka Jayarathna & Udeni Herath ” A Socio legal aspect on misusing the economic freedom and disregarding of the Buddhist concepts related to the acquisition of wealth which leads to social problems” 4th International Buddhist Conference. “Buddhism for Future Human Civilization” Bhikshu University of Sri Lanka. 04,05.12.2015.

Nisanka Madubhashini Jayarathna ” A comparative study on relationship between employer and employee in Buddhism and present Labor Law” 4th International Buddhist conference.” Buddhism for Future Human Civilization” Bhikshu university of Sri Lanka. 04,05.12.2015

Nisanka Jayarathna & Udeni Herath” Buddha Darshanaye parisara sanrakshana sankalpaya ha noothana parisara neethiya athara athi sambandhathavaya pilibanda sansandanathmaka adyanayak” 2nd National Conference, Multi-disciplinary Approaches for the enhancement of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Bhikshu university of Sri Lanka. 08.11.2014

Udeni Herath, Nisanka Jayarathna & Binara Angammana ” Socio legal perspective in changes of marriage customs in Sri Lankan Society (With reference to North Central Province) Exploring Heritage for Social challenges. 2nd International Conference, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. 29.10.2014

Ongoing Research:

Effectiveness of Law Teaching using ODL Methods

Protection of Unskilled Migrant Workers

Attorney-at-Law, Supreme court of Sri Lanka from 2009

Member, The BAR Association of Sri Lanka from2009

Member, The Medico-Legal Society in Sri Lanka from 2020

Director- LL.M Degree Programme, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala (2021-2022)

Course Chair and an Author- Legal System and Legal History of Sri Lanka Course Book, LL.B(Honours) Degree Programme, Department of Legal Studies, The Open University of Sri Lanka, 2022/2023

An Author-Constitutional Law I Course Book, LL.B(Honours) Degree Programme, Department of Legal Studies, The Open University of Sri Lanka, 2022/2023

An Author-Interpretation of Statutes and documents Course Book, LL.B(Honours) Degree Programme, Department of Legal Studies, The Open University of Sri Lanka, 2022/2023

Resource Person and Panelist of Curriculum Revision: Labour Law and Industrial Relations, Bachelor of Science) in Human Resource Management Degree Programme, Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Rajarata 2022.

Visiting Lecturer: Labour Law and Industrial Relations, Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Human Resource Management Degree Programme, Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Rajarata 2021-2023.

Visiting Lecturer: Civil Law, Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development Degree Programme, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Rajarata 2022

Resource Person: Environmental Certification and Environmental Law, Master of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo 2022/2023

Resource Person: Human Rights Law (Child Rights), Faculty of Law, General Sir John Kotellawala Defence University Ratmalana

Resource Person: International Human Rights and Fundamental Rights, Police Academy, Katana, 2023

Resource Person and Review Panelist: International Research Conference 2022, Faculty of Law, General Sir John Kotellawala Defence University Ratmalana

Resource Person and Review Panelist: Diamond Jubilee International Research Conference (DJIRC) 2022, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo

Resource Person and a Reviewer for Research Article, Volume 8 Issue 2 of the Journal of the Institute of Human Resource Advancement, University of Colombo 2022

Resource Person and Review Panelist: Open University Research Sessions 2022 (iOURS2022), Students Research Symposium 2023

Resource Person and Review Panelist: The 2nd International Conference of IHRA-UOC 2021 (IC2-IHRAUOC),IHRA, University of Colombo

Resource Person and Review Panelist: The 4th National Research Symposium on Management 2021, Faculty of Management Studies, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. Rajarata University, Mihintale

Visiting Lecturer – (For the Academic year -2011/2012,2012/2013, 2014/2015 BSc Degree – Faculty of Natural Sciences- (LWU 1160/1161), Department of Legal Studies–Anuradhapura Regional Centre, The Open University of Sri Lanka.

Visiting Lecturer – (For the Academic year -2012/2103, 2015/2016) in BA Degree (Certificate Course) –(SSF-1305) Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Department of Social Studies –Anuradhapura Regional Centre, The Open University of Sri Lanka.

Visiting Lecturer – (For the Academic year -2012//2103,2014/2015) in Diploma in Youth Development Programme – (SSD2204) Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences-, Department of Social Studies –Anuradhapura Regional Centre, The Open University of Sri Lanka.

Visiting Lecturer – (For the Academic year -2012//2103, 2014/2015) in Managenent Studies Programme – (MCU 2204) Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences-, Department of Management Studies –Anuradhapura Regional Centre, The Open University of Sri Lanka.

Marking Examiner of National Examination Department of Sri Lanka

Lecturer ( Probationary) – (From 2012.06.01-up to date) Department of Legal Studies – The Open University of Sri Lanka.

Lecturer (on Contract Basis ) – (From 2011-05-19 – 2012.05.31) Department of Legal Studies – The Open University of Sri Lanka.

“The Dean of the Faculty of Law Award for Jurisprudence.” The Gold Medal winner for the best performance in Jurisprudence at the Bachelor of Laws Year IV. 2008 Faculty of Law University of Colombo.

“Best Research Presentation Award” “Gender Discrimination and Women’s Rights: A Comparative Analysis with Ancient Brahman Thoughts, Buddhist Philosophy and Human rights Law” 4th World Conference on Women’s Studies 2018. Taj Samudra Hotel, Colombo. Sri Lanka. 3-5.05.2018