Extended Abstract
Balamurali.N.(2018)The Intertemporal Dynamic Relationship between the Level and Variability of Food Price Inflation: Evidence from Sri Lankan Economy, Jaffna University International Research Conference -JUICE-2018,Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna,Sri Lanka (Jointly with Sivarajasingham).
Balamurali.N, Sivarajasinghm.(2018) THE PASS-THROUGH OF GLOBAL FOOD PRICE INFLATION TO DOMESTIC PRICES INFLATION: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM SOUTH ASIA,- International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research(MyRes-2018).
Balamurali.N and S.Sivarajasingam (2013),Examining the Trade–off between Inflation and Unemployment rate in the Long Run in Sri Lank: Parametric and Non-Parametric Econometric Investigations, Proceedings, 2nd International Economic Research Conference of the Sri Lanka Forum of University Economists, Univerisity of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 13th-14th December, 2013.
Sivarajasingham S, N. Balamurali (2013); Does International Food Price Inflation Affect Domestic Price InflationDynamics: Empirical Evidence from Sri Lanka. Proceedings, Annual Research Sessions, 27 & 28 November, 2013, the Open University of Sri Lanka
Sivarajasingham.S and N.Balamurali (2013), Dynamics of Real Exports and Real Economic Growth in Sri Lanka: Evidence from Co-integration and Granger Causality Tests. Annual Academic Sessions, 2012, 27-28 Februarys, 2013, Open University of Sri Lanka.
Sivarajasingham.S and N.Balamurali (2013), The Dynamic Behaviour of the Sri Lankan Exchange rates: Evidence from Five currencies of Main Trading Partners., Annual Academic sessions 2012, 27-28 February, 2013, Open University of Sri Lanka.
Balamurali.N and Sivarajasingham.S and (2011) Does Exchange rate cause Inflation in Sri Lanka? An Empirical Study. Annual Academic Sessions, Open University of Sri Lanka.
Balamurali.N(2007) Foreign direct investment and economic growth in Sri Lanka: a causality approach, Proceedings PURSE(2007) University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 12(Part II) 355-356.
Balamurali.N and Dunusinghe.P(2016)Pattern of Youth Unemployment in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.(ICHSS) Proceedings, Faculty of Arts,University of Peradeniya,Sri Lanka,pp 181-185
Balamurali.N and Dunusinghe.P (2016) Informal Employment among Youthin the Post- War Northern Economy.5thInternational Economic Research Conference of the Sri Lanka Forum of University Economists, Univerisity of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 22th-23th December.(SLERC- 2016)
Balamurali.N and Dunusinghe.P (2016) Nature and Magnitude of Youth unemployment in the orthern Province of Sri Lanka, Jaffna University International ResearchConference,University of Jaffna(JUICE_2016)
Balamurali.N.2015, Youth Employment in post –war Northern Economy, Internationall Research Confrence , Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo.(Jointly with Priyanga Dunusinghe)
Balamurali.N,2012 An empirical analysis of dynamic behavior of the Sri Lankan exchange rates against five main trading partners currencies. Jaffna Science Association Annual Research Session (Jointly with Sivarajasingham)
Balamurali.N, 2012, The Dynamic Linkages between Economic growth and Exports in Sri Lanka Evidence from co-integration and Granger causality Tests Jaffna Science Association Annual Research Session (Jointly with Sivarajasingham)
Balamurali.N. 2011,The Dynamic Inter Relationship Between Unemployment Rate and inflation Rate :Evidence From Sri Lanka,Vavuniya campus Annual Research Session.(Jointly with Sivarasingham)
Balamurali.N 2011 The Dynamic Relationship Between Stock prices and Exchange rates : Evidence From Sri Lanka, 12th Annual Research Symposium ,Faculty of Graduate Studies, Universityof Kelaniya (Jointly with Sivarajasingham)
Balamurali.N, 2010 Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in Sri Lanka, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna, Annual Research
Balamurali.N, 2010 Econometrics Analysis of the relationship between Government Expenditure and Economic Growth Eastern University of Sri Lanaka ,Annual Research Session
Balamurali .N,2009 The Twin Deficits Problem in Sri Lanka : An Econometrics Approach Eastern University of Sri Lanaka ,Annual Research Session
Balamurali.N, 2009 Econometric Analysis of the Relationship between Budget Deficit and Inflation in Sri Lanka,Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna, Annual Research Session
Balamurali.N, 2008 Inflation and the Budget Deficit in Sri Lanka : A Time Series Econometrics Approach, Second International Symposium, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (Jointly with Bogahawatte)pp.91
Balamurali .N,2008 Impact of ‘KETHATA ARUNA Fertilizer Subsidy Scheme on Paddy Production in Minipe Scheme Second Annual Research Forum of the Sri Lankan Agricultural Economics Association (Jointly with Wijetunga & Thiruchelvam)
Balamurali.N, 2008 The Twin Deficits problem in Sri Lanka : A Co integration Approach” Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna, Annual Research Session .
Balamurali.N, 2007 Inflation and Economic Growth in Sri Lanka: A Causality Analysis ,First Annual Research Forum of the Sri Lanka Agricultural Economics Association PP.21
Peer reviewed Presentations at National/International Conferences/Symposia Presented with evidence .
Balamurali N.(2010) Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in Sri Lanka, Vavuniya Campus Annual Research Session, University of Jaffna 27th October (ISSN:1800-4911)
Balamurali.N,(2010) Econometric Analysis of the relationship between Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in Sri Lanka, 9th Annual Research Session Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
Balamurali,,N and Sivarajasingham (2011) The Dynamic Inter Relationship between Unemployment rate and Inflation rate: Evidence from Sri Lanka. Vavuniya Campus, University of Jaffna, Annual Research Session, Vavuniya, Sri Lanka, November 16.
Balamurali.N and Dunusinghe.P (2015) ,Youth Employment in the Post-War Northern Economy.Faculty of Arts International Research Conference , 3rd & 4th December,University of Colombo.
Balamurali.N and Dunusinghe.P (2016) Nature and Magnitude of Youth unemployment in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka, Jaffna University International Research Conference,University of Jaffna.
Balamurali.N and Dunusinghe.P (2016) Informal Employment among Youth in the Post- War Northern Economy.5thInternational Economic Research Conference of the Sri Lanka Forum of University Economists, Univerisity of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, 22th-23th December, 2016
Balamurali.N and Dunusinghe.P(2016) Pattern of Youth Unemployment in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.(ICHSS) Proceedings, Faculty of Arts,University of Peradeniya,Sri Lanka,pp 181-185.
Balamurali.N and Dunusinghe.P (2016) Youth Participation in the Informal Labour Market :The Case of the Northern Province of Sri Lanka.International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture 15th &16 th December,Faculty of Agriculture,University of Jaffna,Sri Lanka.