Eng. (Ms.) R.M.P.M.D. Rathnayake

BTech(Eng)(Hons)(OUSL), MIT(Reading-UCSC), AMIE(SL)

Lecturer (Probationary)

Dept. of Mechanical Engineering

Ms. Pamodha Dilhani Rathnayake is graduated in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering (BTech.Eng (Hons)) from the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL) in 2019 and now reading her Masters in Information Technology at the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC). She is a member of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL). She was awarded the Dean’s Award for the best academic performance in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2017 and 2019. She was a demonstrator and currently serves as lesson editor for course materials in OUSL in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department. Also, she works as a tutor in the Centre for IT Education Services (CITES) in OUSL. Currently, she is working as a Lecturer (Probationary) at OUSL attached to the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Electrical, Electronics and Communication, Signal Processing, Information Technology

Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Computer Vision, Optical Communication, Internet of Things (IoT)

Course Coordination

DMX4307 Electrical Machines and Drives
DMX4411 Signal processing
DMX5313 Power Electronics and Motor Drives

  • Rathnayake, R., Bandara, W. & Gunasekara, S., 2019. Acoustic Based Defective Glass-ware Detector. Technical Papers-Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka.
  • Rathnayake, R., Bandara, W. & Gunasekara, S., 2020. Acoustic Based Defective Glass-ware Detector. Journal of Engineering Technology, The Open University of Sri Lanka, 8(1).
  • Rathnayake, R., Bandara, W. & Gunasekara, S., 2021. Acoustic Based Defect Detection Using Acoustical Signal Processing. IESL Journal of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka
  • Engineering Council Sri Lanka – ECSL
  • Associate Engineer ECSL
  • Institute of Engineers of Sri Lanka
  • Associate Member AMIE (SL)