My current research focuses on the impact of communication on organizational culture, especially on organizational communication dynamics. Specifically, my work is informed by writings on good governance and communication, humanitarian diplomacy and open distance learning and student support mechanisms.
My previous research work focuses on media regulatory framework, media self-regulations and on media and technology-related issues.
Having selected a career in the academia within the discipline of Mass Communication as an communicationist, my strongest contribution have being listening to the voiceless community and to make them empowered to be might as the powerholders.
My current research focuses on the impact of communication on organizational culture especially on organizational communication dynamics. Specifically, my work is informed by writings on good governance and communication, humanitarian diplomacy and open distance learning and student support mechanisms.
My previous research work focuses on media regulatory framework, media self-regulations and on media and technology related issues.
Having selected a career in the academia within the discipline of Mass Communication as an communicationist, my strongest contribution have being listening to the voiceless community and to make them empowered to be might as the powerholders.
“Criminal Defamation and Mass Communication” BA (Special) Degree Dissertation, University of Kelaniya, (2004).
The Environmental Law Implication of Law Land Filling in Sri Lankan Urban Cities – A research paper submitted for the LL.B Programme, Open University of Sri Lanka, (2004)
Making Sense of Language Barrier: A case study of BA Social Studies students recruited under the relaxed scheme of admission in 2003: A joint research paper with Prof. Upali Vidanapathirana, Annual Academic Sessions, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Open University of Sri Lanka, (2005)
“Making Sense of Media Responsibility with Freedom: A study on the scope for media self-regulation in Sri Lankan newspaper journalism” MSSc (Master of Social Sciences) Dissertation, University of Kelaniya, (2007).
In-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis of how children are being reported in the print and broadcast media (Press, TV and Radio), in the context of Sri Lankan current affairs, (2008)
W. T. A. Fernando, T. A. Wickramasinghe & I. Bulankulame, 2010, Enabling and Empowering the Differently-abled through Distance Education. A Case Study, Open Distance Learning in the 21st Century Challenges & Possibilities, pp 77-88
Theodore A. Fernando & Thiwankee Wickramasinghe, 2011, Towards an equitable educational order to enable and empower differently-abled students in Sri Lankan Universities through E- Learning, e-case & e-tech International Conference, Tokyo, Japan
Theodore A. Fernando & Thiwankee Wickramasinghe, 2011,Use Of Mobile Phones Among Rural Farmers In Sri Lanka (A Case Study), Annual Academic Session 2011, Open University of Sri Lanka
State Regulatory Mechanisms vs. Self-regulatory Mechanisms in Sri Lankan Newspaper Industry, 2012, “Free Media”, Government Information Department of Sri Lanka
The Regulatory Framework Relating to the Sri Lankan Press, 2012, Educators’ Guide for Students, UNESCO Curriculum Development Project.
Democratic Accountability of Elected Representatives Appraising of the Decision Making Process in Local Electoral System, VISTaAS, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Open University of Sri Lanka, Vol.10, 2016, 24-51
Implementation and Implications of the Citizens Charter: The Sri Lankan Experience in Making it a Reality in Local Governance (2017), A Tribute To A Pioneer In Social Sciences: Emeritus Professor Upali Vidanapathirana, Open University of Sri Lanka, 256-271
Wickramasinghe T. Public Participation in the Decision-Making Process of Local Authorities in Sri Lanka. J Adv Res Pub Poli Admn 2018; 2(1): 1-12.
Ongoing Research:
Media Socialization of Children on Eating Habits: A Study of How Television Content Nourish Their Lives