Best Oral Presentation -2018
Sriyani, K. A., Wasalathanthri, S., Hettiarachchi, P. and Gunawardena, N. S. (2018). iIpact of diabetic foot ulcers: health-related quality of life and associated factors. GNF Annual Academic Sessions Proceedings, pp. 21-28
Best oral Presentation (Theme: Health & Medicine) – 2018
Samaranatha M.S.,Gangani, J.M.N., Kumari, S.A.D.C., Damayanthi, M.W.C.S. & Sriyani, K.A. (2018). Overview of teenage pregnancies in two urban hospitals. South Asia Conference on Multidisciplinary Research 2018. Colombo, Sri Lanka. October 5th-6th 2018.p.13
NRC Merit Award -2013
Sriyani, K.A., Wasalathanthri, S., Hettiarachchi, P, Prathapan, S. (2013). Predictors of diabetic foot and leg ulcers in a developing country with a rapid increase in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus. PLOS ONE 8(11): e80856. Available at: