Conference Papers (Accepted):
Asia-Pacific Conference on Economics & Finance (APEF 2024), Singapore Atrium, Singapore, December 2024.
International Research Conference, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, December 2024.
Workshop on Analytical Modelling Approaches to Understanding Democracy, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, August 2022.
Asia Pacific Innovation Conference, Incheon, South Korea, October 2022.
Selected Journal Articles:
Koswatta, Achinthya, (2022), Can domestic institutions affect exports and innovation?: Mediation effects of institutional quality on manufacturing sector exports and innovation in developing countries, No wp-2022-83, WIDER Working Paper Series, World Institute for Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER),
Kollmann,T., Koswatta, A., Palangkaraya, A. and Webster,B. 2020. The Impact of Design Rights on Australian Firms. IP Australia Economic Research Paper 09.
Koswatta, A., Kollmann, T., Palangkaraya, A. and Webster,B. 2020. Valuing Designs: The Economic Impact of Design Rights in Australia. IP Australia Valuing Designs Report No 01.
Guruge, M., Koswatta, A., Silva, S. 2020. Key Determinants of Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction of the Middle East Inbound Tourist to Sri Lanka. Journal of Tourism Economics and Applied Research. Vol.4.
Koswatta, A. 2019. Economy of India: Lessons and Priorities. The Catalyst- Journal of Management, Baddi University, India. Vol.4, Issue I.
Guruge, M., Koswatta, A. and Silva, S. 2019. Fiscal Policy and the Economic Growth: A Comparison Between Sri Lanka and India. Sri Lankan Journal of Business Economics. Vol.8, Issue I.
Koswatta, A. 2018. Currency Wars in Asia. Journal of Accountancy and Finance, Wayamba University Sri Lanka. Vol.4, Issue I.
Koswatta, A. 2017. Fifty Years of Sri Lankan Economy. Professor Vidanapathirana Felicitation Volume, The Open University of Sri Lanka.
Koswatta, A. 2016. Public Spending and Economic Prosperity: Special Reference to Post Independence Sri Lanka. The Open University Annual Academic Sessions.
Koswatta, A., Sivarajasingham, S. 2014. The J curve Exposure: Analysis of the Effective Exchange Rates. LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co.
Koswatta, A. 2014. Money and Inflation. The Open University Annual Academic Sessions.
Koswatta, A. 2013. The Volatility of Real Effective Exchange Rate of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Economic Researc Symposium, December 2013.
Koswatta, A. 2013. The J curve Exposure. The Open University Annual Academic Sessions.