Department of Computer Science (DCS), established in the year 2017 as the sixth department of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, mainly contributes to the B.Sc. degree programme by offering Computer Science as one of the disciplines. As an extension to the services rendered by DCS for the students as well as the University, a society named as iTeam was established in January 2020. This is a significant decision of DCS to bring Computer Science students and the department to a glaring place in the university.
The iTeam is responsible for organizing social and academic events to fulfill its objectives:
(a) To create an interest in Computer Science and Information Technology among students and the University community at large.
(b) To improve relationships and promote social activities among the staff members of the Computer Science Department, OUSL.
(c) To cultivate student-staff relationships to help gain maximum use of the facilities at OUSL.
(d) To facilitate university-industry interaction.
The iTeam provides mainly Computer Science and Information Technology related services to the university, its students, and the society at large by enhancing technical competency under the guidance of its academic & technical staff. It also takes part in social activities by applying knowledge and skills to benefit others or serve the public for the betterment of society.
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Past Events of the i-Team
- Inauguration of the iTeam – The Society of the Department of Computer Science
- Guest Lecture- Evaluation of AI
- Guest Lecture -Introduction to GIS
- Guest Lecture – Cloud Platform for Innovative Services
- Short Film Competition
- Dive Into The IT World – Webinar Series
Membership Types
- Staff
- Student
Membership Fees
- For Staff (Annual membership – Rs. 250.00)
- For Staff (Life membership – Rs. 2500.00)
- Student (Annual membership – Rs.100.00) *Life membership is not issued for students.
- Office bearers of iTeam-Dept of Computer Science
No. Position Name of the Officer Remark
1 President Dr. A.M.P.B. Abeysinghe Academic Staff
2 Vice President Ms. S.N. Dissanayake Academic Staff
3 Secretary Dr. M.J.R. Perera Academic Staff
4 Assistant Secretary Ms. G.M.C.S. Megasooriya Academic Staff
5 Treasurer Dr. M. Punchimudiyanse Academic Staff
6 Assistant Treasurer Mr. R.M.I.M.U. Bandara Management Assistant
7 Committee Member Mr. D.C. Jayalath Student
8 Committee Member Ms. E.R.I.G. Etampawala Student
9 Committee Member Ms. T.P.L. Nithya Student
10 Committee Member Ms. L.L.S.U. Alwis Student
11 Committee Member Ms. D.M.U.M. Dissanayake Student
12 Committee Member Ms. S.K.A.S. Vayomika Student