Online Short Course on Teaching Children with Learning Disabilities

There is chance that a lot of classrooms might have a few students with Learning Disabilities (LD). Teachers face tremendous challenges teaching these students, because students with Learning Disabilities often experience significant difficulties with academic content due to their weaknesses in reading, comprehension, writing, mathematics skills and vocabulary-learning skills. Therefore, there is an urgent need for teachers to be trained to teach these children successfully. This course will offer the required knowledge, skills and teaching strategies for teachers to teach primary and secondary level school children with LD.

This short course will enable the trainee teachers to: identify the students with LD, enhance their professional skills in facilitating the successful learning of children with LD, apply Action Research in their class room to improve the learning ability of selected LD students.

  • Workshop 01: Identification and Assessment of Children with Learning Disabilities, Different Types of Learning Disabilities
  •  Workshop 02 Dyslexia
  • Workshop 03 Action Research to Enhance the Learning of Students with Learning Disabilities.
  • Workshop 04 Strategies to Teach Children with Dyslexia
  • Workshop 05 Dysgraphia and Aphasia
  • Workshop 06 Strategies to Teach Children with Dysgraphia and Aphasia
  • Workshop 07 Dyscalculia
  • Workshop 08 Strategies to Teach Children with Dyscalculia
  • Workshop 09 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Memory Problems
  • Workshop 10 How to Teach Children with ADHD; Developing Memory Skills
Programme Code :
Programme Category :
 Short Programme
Conducted by :
 Dept. of Special Needs, Faculty of Education
Programme Duration :
 Minimum 3 months (10 online workshops during the weekends)
Medium :
Sinhala/ English/Tamil

Teachers of pre-schools/ primary and secondary schools and anyone who wishes to enhance their professional skills in the field of Special Needs Education.

Applications from :
Closing Date for Applications :
Programme commencing date :   Will be informed later

Rs. 20,000/=

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Contact Details

This short programme is conducted by the Department of Special Needs, Faculty of Education. For more details or contact the coordinator for further details

Coordinator, Department of Special Needs Education, Faculty of Education, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
Contact Programme Coordinator

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