Advance Certificate in Wildlife Conservation and Management

This programme is specially designed for adults who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in the principles and practice of Wildlife Conservation and Management

  • to enhance their career growth or
  • to enable students to pursue further studies in this field of study or
  • to create awareness among enthusiastic conservationists.

This programme will cover basic scientific knowledge with respect to the understanding of biology, diversity, ecology of plants, animals and other living forms considered as wildlife, their conservation status and management of their habitats, techniques in assessing wildlife populations, their threats, habitat quality and social impact on wildlife. The courses in the programme of study have a considerable amount of practical training hours and a separate  project study which involves theory, practice and applications.   The most significant feature is the attempt made to develop in learners’ techniques and skills of conservation and management of wildlife with social inputs from stakeholders of wildlife.


The Programme will be conducted by the Department of Zoology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and the principle medium of instructions will be in English and Sinhala. Academic activities will be conducted only at the Colombo Regional Centre of the OUSL.

Course contents

 Compulsory courses

  • Wildlife Biology
  • Wildlife Ecology
  • Wildlife Conservation and Management
  • Project Study
  • Wildlife Study Techniques
  • Wildlife Management Case Study


Programme Code : ACW
Programme Category : Advance Certificate in Wildlife Conservation and Management
Conducted by : Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Programme duration : Minimum 1 year
Discipline(s) / Course(s) : Advance Certificate in Wildlife Conservation and Management progarmme involves courses related to wildlife biology, ecology, conservation and management, wildlife study techniques and filed craft, wildlife case studies and a compulsory research project.


Obtained a minimum of six (06) Passes, at the General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) Examination or equivalent or a higher qualification


Successfully completed a certificate programme in SLQF level 1 qualification


Successfully completed a NVQ level 3 qualification in relevant field


An equivalent or a higher qualification acceptable to the Senate of the Open University of Sri Lanka.

Online Application  Fee Rs.      500.00
Course Fee : Rs.      30,000.00
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Contact Details

This Advance certificate  programme is conducted by the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences.

Address : Dr Saminda Fernando, Coordinator/ Advance Certificate in Wildlife Conservation and Management, Head/ Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Zoology, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala.
Contact : 011 288 1488, 0112881446
Email :
Contact Programme Coordinator

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