Advanced Certificate in Laboratory Technology

The aim of the Advanced certificate in Laboratory Technology programme is to provide a basic scientific knowledge and training needed for employees in laboratories of government and private sector and to provide necessary qualifications to any interested personal who seek employment in laboratories.

The programme designed to provide up to date theoretical knowledge and hands on skills development on laboratory practices and safety measures carried out in science laboratories and a qualification that will enable further studies, assist in gaining employment and provide academic and professional recognition to facilitate career progression.


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Programme Code :
Programme Category :
Advanced Certificate Programme
Conducted by :
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Programme duration :
Minimum 1 years
Discipline(s) / Course(s) :

Advanced Certificate in Laboratory Technology progarmme involves courses related to Laboratory
techniques in Animal studies, Laboratory organization, management and safety, Laboratory techniques
in Plant Science, Laboratory techniques in Chemistry, Laboratory techniques in Physics, Mathematics
for Laboratory Technology, Basic Information and Communication Technology and compulsory Laboratory Visits

  1. Obtained a minimum of six (06) Passes including Science, Mathematics and First Language, at the General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) Examination or equivalent or a higher qualification. Or
  2. Successfully completed a certificate programme in SLQF level 1 qualification in a relevant field of study. Or
  3. Successfully completed a NVQ level 4 qualification in a relevant field of study. Or
  4. An equivalent or a higher qualification acceptable to the Senate of the Open University of Sri Lanka.

Issuing Applications: 28.01.2024

Deadline: 28.02.2024

Commencing date: April 2024

Registration Fee Rs.      500.00
Library Fee   Rs.      100.00
Facility Fee Rs     2500.00
Refundable lab deposit  Rs.    1100.00
Course Fee (1020×30)    Rs.   30,600.00
Total Amount               Rs.  34,800.00

Tuition fees can be paid in installments (1st installment 60% (Rs. 18,360/+ Rs 4200/== Rs 22,560/=) and 2nd installment 40% (Rs 13,920/=)


Tuition Fee – Overseas Students

Avalable Courses for this Study Programme Find Courses

Contact Details

This Advanced certificate programme is conducted by the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

Address :

Dr. K.H.Jayawardena , Programme Coordinator/ Advance Certificate in Laboratory Technology, Department of Zoology,
Faculty of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala.

Contact :
011 2881242,
Email :,
Contact Programme Coordinator

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