Ms. Abdhul Sadhy Pathima Yumna
Lecturer (Temporary)
Department of Early Childhood and Primary Education
Prof. K. Radhika M. De Silva
Professor in Language Studies
Dept. of Language Studies
Senior Professor Shyama R. Weerakoon (Chair)
Senior Professor, Chair of Botany
Dr. D.D.G.L. Dahanayaka
Senior Lecturer (Grade I)
Department of Zoology
Dr. Dulharie T. Wijeratne
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Medical Laboratory Sciences
Dr. Kanchana Sujananie Bulumulle
Senior Lecturer (Gr. I)
Department of Social Studies
Ms. K.D.H.Y Kottege
Department of Pharmacy
Mrs. Mathanki Kajenthiran
Lecturer (Probationary)
Ms. R.A.D. Deepthi Kumari
Lecturer (Probationary)
Department of Early Childhood and Primary Education
Ms. Udeni Herath
Senior Lecturer (Gr. II)
Department of Social Studies
Dr. Malathie P. Dissanayake
Senior Lecturer in Psychology (Grade I)
Department of Psychology and Counselling