Dr.(Ms.) W.A.L. Niwanthi

BSc(Special) in Mathematics(University of Colombo) , PG.Dip. in mathematics( ICTP, Italy) , PhD (University of Texas at Dallas, USA).

Senior Lecturer (G II)

Mathematics and Philosophy of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Technology

Last Updated on 4 years

Dynamical Systems

Functional/Real Analysis, Sweeping Process, Ergodic Theory

Course Coordination:


  • Kamenskii, M.; Makarenkov, O.; Wadippuli, L.N.;Raynaud de Fitte,P. Global Stability of almost periodic sweeping process and their response to non-monotone perturbations, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems(2018)
  • Makarenkov, O.; Wadippuli,L.N.; Bifurcations of finite-time stable limit cycles from focus boundary equilibriua in inpacting systems, Filippov systems, and sweeping processes, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (2018)
  • Wadippuli, L.N.; Gudoshnikov, I.; Makarenkov, O. Global stability of non-convex monotone sweeping process,
  • Kamenskii,M.; Makarenkov, O.; Wadippuli L.N. A continuation principle for periodic BV continuous state-dependent sweeping processes , SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis (Accepted-2020)
  • Dharmadasa Punchihewa Memorial Price for Mathematics in 2011 at UOC Douglas Amarasekara Price for the Best Student in Mathematics in 2011 at UOC
  • The Gulahusein A.J. Noorbhai Gold Medal for the Best Student Specializing in Mathematics in 2011 at UOC