Dr. I.S.K. Wijayawardane

B.Sc. Eng. (Hons)(Moratuwa), M.Sc. Eng. (Moratuwa), Ph.D. (Saitama), AMIE(SL)

Senior Lecturer (Grade II)

Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering Technology

Dr. I.S.K. Wijayawardane graduated from the University of Moratuwa with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering first class degree. He obtained his Master of Science in Civil Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Moratuwa. Thereafter he worked as a Civil Engineer in the Colombo Port Expansion Project and in 2012 he was awarded Japanese MEXT Scholarship and entered to the Saitama University, Japan for his Doctor of Philosophy studies. His outstanding research works on Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composite beams have been published in international journal papers and international conference publications. In 2016, Dr. Wijayawardane was offered a postdoctoral research grant for his excellent research potential by the Saitama University. He joined the newly established Faculty of Engineering in University of Sri Jayewardenepura as a Senior Lecturer in 2018.

Currently Dr. Wijayawardane is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering in the Open University of Sri Lanka.

Structural Engineering, Sustainable material and green construction, Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP)

 Research interests include sustainable construction materials, Fiber Reinforced Polymer retrofitting and strengthening, Ultra-high-performance concrete, lightweight concrete, health monitoring of concrete structures, and 3D printed concrete structures.

Programme Coordination:
DTech (Civil Engineering)
BTech (Civil Engineering)
MSc (Structural Engineering)

Course Coordination:
CVX4240 – Hydraulic Engineering I
CEY6197 – Project Identification & Literature Survey
CEY6498 – Individual Project – Type A (Civil)
CEY6595 – Individual Project – Type B (Civil)
CEY6496 – Group Project (Civil)
CVX9411 – Advanced Design of Concrete Structures (MSc in Structural Engineering)
CVY9517 – Independent Study(MSc in Structural Engineering)

Refereed Journal Papers:

  • Wijayawardane, I.S.K., Mutsuyoshi, H., Nguyen, H., and Manalo A., “Flexural behaviour of glass fibre-reinforced polymer and ultra-high-strength fibre-reinforced concrete composite beams subjected to elevated temperature, Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 20, Issue 9, pp. 1357 – 1374, 2016.

Peer reviewed International conference proceedings:

  • Wijayawardane, I.S.K., Mutsuyoshi, H., Perera, S.V.T.J., and Kanaya, Y., “Behavior of GFRP and UHF composite girders with FRP bolts”, Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) 15th International Summer Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 2013.
  • Wijayawardane, I.S.K., Mutsuyoshi, H., Perera, S.V.T.J., and Kanaya, Y., “Development of GFRP and UHF composite girders”, 13th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-13), Sapporo, Japan, 2013.
  • Wijayawardane, I.S.K., Mutsuyoshi, H., and Perera, S.V.T.J., “Innovative composite girders using FRP I-beams and precast UFC slab segments”, The 7th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE-2014), Vancouver, Canada, 2014.
  • Wijayawardane, I.S.K., Mutsuyoshi, H., Perera, S.V.T.J., and Hai, N.D., “FRP and ultra high-strength concrete slab composite girders for accelerated bridge construction”, 9th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges (SMSB-2014), Alberta, Canada, 2014.
  • Wijayawardane, I.S.K., Mutsuyoshi, H., and Perera, S.V.T.J., “Flexural behavior of composite girders consisting of HFRP and UHSFRC slabs”, 4th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE-2014), Tokyo, Japan, 2014.
  • Wijayawardane, I.S.K., Mutsuyoshi, H., Endo, T., and Moriya, K., “Flexural behavior of GFRP and ultra-high strength concrete composite girders subjected to elevated temperature”, Japan Concrete Institute (JCI) Annual Convection, Chiba, Japan, 2015.
  • Wijayawardane, I.S.K., and Mutsuyoshi, H., “Development of GFRP and ultra-high strength concrete composite beams for short span bridges”, 5th International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications (CONMAT-15), Whistler, Canada, 2015.
  • Mutsuyoshi, H., and Wijayawardane, I.S.K., “Development of composite short span bridge consisting of FRP and ultra-high strength concrete”, 2nd Second International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization (ICSU 2015), Hong Kong, China, 2015.
  • Endo T., Mutsuyoshi H., and Wijayawardane I.S.K., “FRP桁と超高強度繊維補強プレキャストコンクリート床版から成る合成桁の曲げ性状”, Japan Concrete Institute (JCI) Annual Convection, Chiba, Japan, 2015 (in Japanese).
  • Wijayawardane, I.S.K., and Mutsuyoshi, H., “High corrosion resistant GFRP-UFC composite beams for short span pedestrian bridges”, The 8th International Conference on Concrete Under Severe Conditions – Environment & Loading (CONSEC-2016), Lecco, Italy, 2016.
  • Wijayawardane, I.S.K., and Mutsuyoshi, H., “Effect of glass transition temperature on the flexural behavior of the GFRP and UFC composite beams”, The 7th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE-2016), Hong Kong, China, 2016.
  • Yokota, T., Mutsuyoshi, H., and Wijayawardane, I., “論文PC鋼材が破断したPC桁の力学的性状に関する研究”, Japan Concrete Institute (JCI) Annual Convection, Hakata, Japan, 2016 (in Japanese).
  • Yokota, T., Wijayawardane, I., and Mutsuyoshi, H., “破断したPC鋼材を有するPC梁の力学的性状”, The 25th Symposium on Developments in Prestressed Concrete, Japan Prestressed Concrete Institute (JPCI), Kita-Kyushu, Japan, 2016 (in Japanese).
  • Mutsuyoshi, H., Wijayawardane, I.S.K., and Phuong, N.D., “Application of FRP to Pedestrian Bridges in Japan”, 14th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC14), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, 2016.
  • Mutsuyoshi, H., and Wijayawardane, I.S.K., “Design and construction of a short span pedestrian bridge using high corrosion resistant hybrid FRP composite beams”, The 7th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE-2016), Hong Kong, China, 2016.
  • Wijayawardane, I.S.K., and Mutsuyoshi, H., “Flexural behavior of GFRP-UFC composite beams under moderately high temperature”, International Symposium on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-13), American Concrete Institute (ACI) Annual Convention (Fall), Anaheim, California, USA, 2017.
  • Nguyen, M.T., Mutsuyoshi, H., and Wijayawardane, I.S.K., “Flexural behaviour of post-tensioned prestressed concrete bridges having locally deteriorated tendons”, The 8th Asia and Pacific Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium (YRGS-2017), Tokyo, Japan, 2017.
  • Wijayawardane, I.S.K., and Mutsuyoshi, H., “Experimental and analytical study of GFRP and UFC composite beams”, 9th International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE-2018), Paris, France, 2018.
  • Wijayawardane, I.S.K., Mutsuyoshi, H., and Yokota, T., “Effects of tendon rupture and re-grouting on the flexural behavior of prestressed concrete beams”, 10th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges (SMSB-X), Quebec, Canada, 2018.
  • Mutsuyoshi, H., Wijayawardane, I.S.K., Yokota, T., and Tokuta, Y., “Mechanical behavior of post-tensioned PC girders having ruptured tendons”, The International Federation for Structural Concrete 5th International fib Congress (fib-2018), Melbourne, Australia, 2018.

Peer reviewed local conference proceedings:

  • Wijayawardane I.S.K., Ratnasooriya A.H.R., and Samarawickrama S.P., “Global Climate Change: Impact on the Coastal Zone of Sri Lanka”, International Symposium on Sustainable Infrastructure Development In Asia., University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, 2009.
  • Wijayawardane I.S.K., Ansaf K.M.M., Ratnasooriya A.H.R., and Samarawickrama S.P., “Coastal Erosion: Investigations In The Southwest Coast Of Sri Lanka”, International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment (ICSBE), Kandy, Sri Lanka, 2010.

Extended abstracts:

    • Wijayawardane I.S.K., Ratnasooriya A.H.R., and Samarawickrama S.P., “Global Climate Change: Impact on the Coastal Zone of Sri Lanka”, International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2009, Department of Forestry and Environment Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka, 2009.

AMIE(SL) Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka

  • Mahapola Merit Scholarship –Mahapola Trust Fund (2004).
  • Monbukagakusho Scholarship for Ph.D. studies – Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT) (2012).
  • Best presentation award at the Annual Convection of Japan Concrete Institute – Japan Concrete Institute (JCI) (2015).
  • Saitama University Postdoctoral Research Grant – Saitama University, Japan (2016).
  • Tanaka Award for the Excellence in Research – Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) (2019)