Dr. S. A. A. K. Satharasinghe

B.Sc. (University of Peradeniya), M.A. in Linguistics (University of Kelaniya), M.Phil. (English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India), Ph. D. (English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India)

Senior Lecturer

Department of English Language Teaching (DELT)

Dr. S.A.A.K. Satharasinghe, Senior Lecturer attached to the Department of English Language Teaching, Open University of Sri Lanka is a graduate from University of Peradeniya in B.Sc. (Biological Science) with Post Graduate Degrees from University of Kelaniya (M. A. in Linguistics) and English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India (MPhil and PhD in English Language Education). She is a product of Visaka Vidyalaya, Colombo. Dr. Satharasinghe has contributed to many university level and national level initiatives and projects conducted by the Department of Language Studies, DELT and other state and non-state higher educational institutes. She has presented papers in many national and international conferences.

English Language Education

Materials Development of English Language Teaching (ELT)

English for Academic Purpose

Curriculum and Syllabus Designing

Teacher and Learner Autonomy English for Academic Purposes Use of Technology in Language Learning
  • Research presentation on “Language Policy and the Role of English in the Open
    University of Sri Lanka” at a national conference on improving the quality, relevance
    and status of English language teaching at Sri Lankan universities (abstract published in
    the conference proceedings- 2007).
  • Presented a research paper at 6th International SLELTA conference in 2010 (abstract
    published in the conference proceedings) – ”Perceptions of visiting academics on the
    EGAP course materials.”
  • Presented a research paper Asia TEFL International conference in 2007 (abstract
    published in the conference proceedings) – “Video as a catalyst in content based language teaching.”
  • Presented a research paper at the first PGIE forum in 2007 (extended abstract published
    in the conference proceedings) – “The role of video in teaching English to science undergraduates.”
  • Presented a research paper Asia TEFL International conference in 2012 (abstract
    published in the conference proceedings) – “The role of sub-technical vocabulary on text comprehension.”
  • Presented a research paper at 8th International SLELTA conference – 2014 (abstract
    published in the conference proceedings) – “An investigation into discourse features of
    text books (course modules) of science undergraduates of the Open University of Sri Lanka”
  • Presented a research paper at Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (2019) in Tokyo,
    Japan – “Verbal Communication through Folk Songs – A Study based on Sri Lankan Folk
    Music” – a joint paper with Saumya Batuwatta (abstract published in the conference
    proceedings and full paper published online).
  • The Open University Research Symposium, 2019 – A paper titled “Perceptions of the
    Visiting Academics on Course Materials of English for Legal Studies Programme”-
    extended abstract accepted for presentation (A joint paper with K.G.S.A. Wijesinghe).
  • The Open University Research Symposium, 2019 – A paper titled “Entertain or
    Enlighten? – Significance of Mobile Social Networking Apps in Informal Lifelong
    Education” extended abstract accepted for presentation (A joint paper with V. G. Chinthaka Naleen).
  • Batuwatta,S & Satharasinghe, S.A.A.K. (2019, December). A reflection of the Sri
    Lankan village/domestic life through folk poems (songs). Paper presented at the Annual
    Research Symposium of Department of Sinhala. University of Colombo, Colombo.
  • Batuwatta,S & Satharasinghe, S.A.A.K. (2019, December).Effective speaking skills in
    English and the challenges faced by ESL learners: A study with Engineering
    undergraduates. Paper presented at the 2nd International Symposium on Humanities and
    Social Sciences. Waters Edge, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  • Batuwatta, S. , Satharasinghe, S.A.A.K. (2020). Diverse Roles of ESL Teachers in
    Developing Learner Autonomy. 17th Academic Sessions. University of Ruhuna. Matara.
  • Batuwatta, S. , Sathrasinghe, S.A.A.K. (2020). Autonomy in Language Learning: Is it
    achievable without teachers? – A Review. Global Conference on Advancements in
    Education and Research. Isuruoka, Japan.
  • Abeysekera, N. K., Satharasinghe, S. A. A. K. and Wijesinghe, K. G. S. A. (2020).
    Learning English at Tertiary Level via Zoom Technology – The Experience of OUSL
    Students. A paper presentation at SSN Two-Day International Conference on Online
    Teaching and Testing of English Language: Challenges and Solutions, Chennai, India.
  • Abeysekera, N. K. and Satharasinghe, S.A.A.K. (2020). Stakeholder Perceptions on B.A.
    Honours in English and English Language Teaching in Enhancing Professional
    Development. Faculty Research Presentation, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Life member – Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS)

  • Head/Department of English Language Teaching, The Open University of Sri Lanka.
  • Member of the Senate, The Open University of Sri Lanka.
  • Member of the Faculty Board, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka.
  • Academic student counsellor, The Open University of Sri Lanka.
  • Representor at the planning and development committee, The Open University of Sri Lanka.
  • Co-ordinator from OUSL/Dept. of Language Studies for UTEL (University Test for
    English Language).
  • Member of the standing committee of UGC for English Language Teaching.
  • Member of the standing committee of UGC for UTEL (University Test for English Language).
  • Team member in the team which conducted university tests under IRQUE
    Project to develop UTEL bench marks.
  • Faculty representative for University Green Committee, The Open University of Sri Lanka.
  • Consultant in world bank funded AHEAD project in affiliation with a state HEI
    (Eastern University of Sri Lanka)
  • Consultant in world bank funded AHEAD project in affiliation with a non
    state HEI (Saegis Campus)
  • A resource person in training workshops conducted to train teachers in EGAP teacher
    briefing sessions (2018, 2019).
  • A resource person to conduct workshops and guide material writers for ALIC
    (Additional Language Improvement Course) at the NIE (National Institute of Education).

Award of a scholarship for the MPhil/PhD programme under the HETC Project, Ministry of Higher Education.