1. Mathushika, J., Jayasinghearachchi, H.S., and Alahakoon, S.B., (2022) Biodegradation of burnt engine oil by surfactant producing marine isolates of Pseudomonas sp., Proceedings of the 15th
International Research Conference hosted by General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, ISBN 978-624-5574-64-3, Abstract ID: 178, pp.31
2. Mathushika, J., Alwis, P.D.N.V., Nakkawita, W.M.I.D. and Jayasinghearachchi, H.S., (2022) The antimicrobial activity of crude extract of pyocyanin from a marine isolate of Pseudomonas sp. against clinical strain of Staphylococcus aureus., Proceedings of the 15th International Research Conference hosted by General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, ISBN 978-624-5574-64-3, Abstract ID: 481, pp.44
3. Mathushika, M.J, Nanayakkara, C.M, Weerasinghe, W.M.V.C and Jayalal, R.G.U, 2021. Antibacterial and anticandidal activities of the fungus inhabiting the Sri Lankan lichen Parmotrema sp., Proceedings of the Young Scientists Conference on Multidisciplinary research (YSCMR) 2021.ISSN 2815-0260, page no: 04
4. Mahendranathan, C. and Mathushika, M.J. (2022). Biofertilizers as Eco-friendly Technology for Synthetic fertilizer and Environmental sustainability., Proceedings of the International Conference on
Local Governance and Leadership; Global challenges and Experiences of the Sri Lanka Institute of Local Governance (SLILG), pp. 74–75.
5. Galagoda, U., Alwis, P., Gunatilake, M., Lakshika, J., Manohitharaj, J., & Anushika, G., Bandupriya. H.D.D., Abeysekera. W.K.S.M (2020). In vitro response of Sudu heenati and Pokkali rice varieties to salinity stress at early seedling stage, Proceedings of the 40th annual sessions of the Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka, Abstract number (3- 16), pp. 72.
6. Mathushika, M.J and Nanayakkara, C.M, 2021. A Comparative study on COVID-19 and Dengue: A Sri Lankan scenario. In: Peradeniya University International Research Sessions (iPURSE) 2021. Volume 23, Abstract no :273, page no:286.
7. Mathushika, M.J, Nanayakkara, C.M, & Yadurshini, R. (2021). Impacts of COVID-19 and controlling pandemics: A Sri Lankan scenario. 6th Annual International Remote Conference on Science and Society. Beyond Sciences Initiative.”